Markus Proschek
1981 *Salzburg, Austria
Lives and works in Vienna
2023 “Pillarisation“, AK Kunstprojekte, Chamber of Labour, Vienna (A)
2019 “Kayfabe“ (withRudolf Samohejl), SVIT, Prague (CZ)
ZONE1, Viennacontemporary with SVIT, Vienna
2017 “POSSESSION“ Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck (A)
2014 “The Kurgan-Complex” Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg (A)
2011 “Schizo-Revolte” Forum Stadtpark, Graz (A)
2010 “REPETITION COMPULSION” Austrian Cultural Forum, London (GB)
2009 “Anlage M” Galerie5020, Salzburg (A)
2008 “Elements of Light” Hellenic American Union, Athen (GR)
“Patt” STRABAG Kunstforum, Vienna (A)
“Read July 1st, 1858.]” University of Applied Arts, Vienna (A)
2006 “Immenkörung” Startgalerie MUSA, Vienna (A)
Group (Selection):
2024 “The Life of Things“, European Cultural Capital 2023 in cooperation with Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz (A) (Curator)
“grit“, Gallery Zeller van Almsick, Vienna (A)
2023 “2000s. Bye-bye Confidence“, Wien Museum MUSA, Vienna (A)
“Anton Faistauer Award 2023“, Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (A)
2022 “Grosser Kunstpreis Des Landes 2022“, Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (A)
2021 “Transformation and Recurrence“, LENTOS, Linz (A) (Curator)
2020 “Passer-by“, GARAGE Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow (RUS)
“LINEA“, SVIT Gallery, Prague (CZ)
2019 “dry crust and oceans of liquid matter“, Horse&Pony, Berlin (GER)
“Passer-by“, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris (FR)
2018 “Passer-by“, Serpentine Gallery, London (GB)
“Neue schwarze Romantik“, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz
2017 “Substation“ (mit Lucy Mckenzie und Philip Topolovac), Beach Office, Berlin (GER)
“Neue schwarze Romantik“, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (GER)
“New Black Romanticism“, National Museum of Art of Romania, Bucharest (RO)
2016 “Scales Of Anatomies", MoCAB - Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, Belgrade (RS)
“Crisis as Ideology?” Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna (A)
“Höhenrausch” EIGEN+ART lab, Berlin (GER)
2015 “+45 +55 +95” Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest (HU)
“Das Anliegen“ Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg (A)
“Reverse le Trompe“ xhibit, Vienna (A)
“In the Still of the Night” KÖR Esterhazypark, Vienna (A)
“So wilde Freiheit war noch nie.” Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt (A)
2014 “points of passage” Stift Melk (A)
“Georg Trakl Award” Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (A)
“Anton Faistauer Award 2014” Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (A)
2013 “Für die Fülle” Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg (A)
“My Dirty Gods” Lust Gallery, Vienna (A) (Curator)
“The Abortion of Tragedy” showroom 170, New York (US)
“Kardinal König Kunstpreis 2013” - Kunstraum St. Virgil, Salzburg (A)
“The eschaton reloaded: tomorrow is another day” BlackbridgeOff, Peking (CHN),(Curator)
“ephemeral self - finite projections” GALERIE NTK, Prague (CZ)
2012 “Painful Pleasures” Ve.sch, Vienna (A)
“bregenzbiennale” Bregenz (A)
“Critical Alliances” HDLU, Zagreb (CRO)
2011 “JCE” Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (A) Montrouge, Paris (FR)Villa Croce, Genua (IT)
“Helden von Heute” Grafit, Varna (BG)
“Sweet Anticipation” Kunstverein Salzburg (A)
2010 “Wo Ich war, soll Es werden” Swingerclub Element6, Vienna (A) (Curator)
“Dlouho Nevideno” Brno House of Arts, Brno (CZ)
“Konturen” Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna (A)
2009 “Rome-The City-The Memory” Museo di Roma Trastevere, Rome (IT)
“The Essence 08” MAK, Vienna (A)
2008 “7 parallel 7” MNAC National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest (RO)
“Traditions and Rituals” Kunsthalle Project Space, Vienna (A)